About the stewards

Katie Cohen

Katie is a voracious reader who is thrilled to be the primary steward of The Little Queer Library. Growing up in Framingham, MA, she became hooked on literature at an early age, eventually leading to a Masters in Elementary Education. After a brief stint as a teacher, she now works in adult education, as an instructional designer. Katie loves gardening, cooking, her family, and spending a quiet day on the couch with a good book.

Krysta Petrie

Krysta is software engineer, woodworker, musician, crafter, and all-around "maker" who helps to co-steward the library with her lovely wife, Katie. She built the library as a gift for Katie. Growing up in Leominster, MA, she loved reading science fiction books, though she spends most of her time today split between a million hobbies that demand more time than she has to give. She loves learning new things, applying new skills, and spending time with friends.